本會謹訂於二零二零年九月三十日(星期三)下午六時三十分時,舉行二零二零年週年會員大會。 由於2019 冠狀病毒病疫情大流行期間,公司註冊處建議會議人數設限二十人,期間不設飲食,以符合限聚令要求。因此,懇請各永久及普通會員簽署委托書,以協助執行委員會作出最適切安排。 附件: 1. 二零二零年週年會員大會,議程及代表出席會議委託書 2. Minutes of 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
本會謹訂於二零二零年九月三十日(星期三)下午六時三十分時,舉行二零二零年週年會員大會。 由於2019 冠狀病毒病疫情大流行期間,公司註冊處建議會議人數設限二十人,期間不設飲食,以符合限聚令要求。因此,懇請各永久及普通會員簽署委托書,以協助執行委員會作出最適切安排。 附件: 1. 二零二零年週年會員大會,議程及代表出席會議委託書 2. Minutes of 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Details本會現正開始接受及辦理2020年至2022年 (兩年會籍到期日為2022年4月30日) 之續會會籍申請。申請續會的會員請填妥附上之續會申請表格,以電子郵件傳送至 [email protected],並按其所屬之會員類別繳交會費【請參閱入會申請表格】。 詳情請參閱以下網址: https://www.hkssma.org/membership/
DetailsAdverse Situations Arrangement Bad weather Typhoon Warning Signal No.8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning Issued Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning Lowered Before course / Seminar During course / Seminar Full day course If typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm is still in force…
DetailsAnnouncement Notice on Use of Personal Data subsequent to Amendment of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Dear members, It is our responsibility to ensure our members stay connected with The Hong Kong Sterile Services Management Association Ltd. (HKSSMA). Therefore, members are kept informed of our latest news via the HKSSMA Database System. We will continue to…
DetailsHKSSMA Research Grant Research provides an evidence-based practice in the field of decontamination Sciences. Therefore, HKSSMA developed a research grant in January 2019. The HKSSMA Research Grant helps investigators to pursue groundbreaking research in the field of decontamination. HKSSMA cordially invites life and ordinary member to apply for this grant to support your study in…