2023年度聖誕聯歡晚會 暨祝賀 香港消毒服務管理協會有限公司獲頒發 2023年度『社會關愛企業卓越獎』

本會謹訂於 9/12/2023(星期六) 下午7時,於 星月樓 Sky Cuisine 舉行 2023年度聖誕聯歡晚會暨祝賀本會獲頒發2023年度『社會關愛企業卓越獎』。 本活動只供2023年11月6日持有有效會藉之會員參加。 截止報名日期: 22/11/2023 (星期三),報名方法及詳情請參閱附件。 香港消毒服務管理協會有限公司_2023年度聖誕聯歡晚會.pdf


Invitation for Sponsorship to the 19th National CSSD Forum to be held in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province from 12th to 14th October 2023

Dear Life and Ordinary Members, Sponsorship Details: Details Sponsorship Application Form: https://www.hkssma.org/application-for-sponsorship/ Official website of the 19th National CSSD Forum: http://www.yixuehuiyi.net/xueshuhuiyi/1179.html Successful nominated members will be notified through e-mail by 31st July 2023. HKSSMA  


Invitation for Sponsorship to the 24th World Sterilization Congress to be held in Brussels from 18th to 21st October 2023

Dear Life and Ordinary Members, HKSSMA is pleased to announce the captioned sponsorship application for your interest to apply. Please refer to the hyperlinks for the details: Sponsorship Details: Sponsorship-to-24thWSC.pdf Sponsorship Application Form: https://www.hkssma.org/application-for-sponsorship/ Official website of World Sterilization Congress – https://www.wfhss-congress.com/ Please complete the find sponsorship application form on or before 30th May 2023. Successful nominated members…
